Informational Meeting with the M.S. in Exercise Physiology Program Director

    The Master of Science in Exercise Physiology program is practitioner-focused, highlighting core skills that allow you to harness the growing body of knowledge in exercise science to improve people’s lives or help athletes compete at a higher level. This intensive, two-year degree program prepares students to obtain certification from either the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) or the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).  As a graduate student, you will have opportunities for hands-on experience in and outside the classroom focusing on one of two concentrations in Clinical Exercise Physiology (CEP) or Human Performance (HP).

    Sign up for a Remote Informational Meeting with the Exercise Physiology Program Director, Dr. Jackie Zera. Meetings typically last 30 minutes.

    Please click on date highlighted in blue to sign up for an appointment time or contact, 216.397.4284 to set up another time.
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